Guanzhou Ji, Tingsong Ou, Azadeh Sawyer, View-Based Luminance Mapping in Open Workplace, 2022 Design Computation Input/Output (DCIO) Conference, Virtual, Oct. 19 – 21, 2022. [Oral Presentation]
Guanzhou Ji, Azadeh Sawyer, Using Illuminance Ranges and Target Areas to Analyze Daylight in Multi-Dwelling Units, 2022 Building Performance Analysis Conference and SimBuild co-organized by ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA, Chicago, Sep. 14 – Sep. 16, 2022. [Oral Presentation]
Guanzhou Ji, Daylight Availability and Occupant Visual Comfort in Seattle Multi-Family Housing, 2020 Building Performance Analysis Simbuild Virtual Conference Co-organized by ASHRAE and IBPSA-USA, Chicago, Sep. 29 – Oct. 1, 2020. [Oral Presentation]
Kari Leif, Jamie Ho, Guanzhou Ji, Daylight, Glare, and View: Multi-Objective Design Workflow for Open Workplace, the 18th International IBPSA Conference and Exhibition, Building Simulation 2023, Sep. 4-6, 2023, Shanghai, China. [Oral Presentation]
Sawyer, Azadeh.O.; Navvab, Mojtaba; Weissman, Dan.; Ji, Guanzhou. Facade Photometry: Linking Annual Daylight Performance to Facade Design. Buildings 2022, 12, 1556.
Xiaoyu Ying, Grace Ding, Wei Zhu, Guanzhou Ji, Suitable Planning Indicators for New High-Rise Building Projects in the View of Outdoor Wind Environment, Proceedings of the 7th Youth Committee of China Green Building Council, 2015, 9: 077-085.
[1]. Guanzhou Ji, What is the Impact of Orientation on Daylight Availability, 2021 Summer Challenge Competition: Daylight and Glare, Project StaSIO, Sponsored by IBPSA, Oct 2021. *Awarded by Honorable Mention for Innovation